Free PDF Honda Accord 1998-2002: All Models (Haynes Repair Manuals), by Jay Storer
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Honda Accord 1998-2002: All Models (Haynes Repair Manuals), by Jay Storer
Free PDF Honda Accord 1998-2002: All Models (Haynes Repair Manuals), by Jay Storer
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Haynes offers the best coverage for cars, trucks, vans, SUVs and motorcycles on the market today. Each manual contains easy to follow step-by-step instructions linked to hundreds of photographs and illustrations. Included in every manual: troubleshooting section to help identify specific problems; tips that give valuable short cuts to make the job easier and eliminate the need for special tools; notes, cautions and warnings for the home mechanic; color spark plug diagnosis and an easy to use index.
- Sales Rank: #64707 in Books
- Brand: Haynes
- Published on: 2005-06-24
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 10.50" h x .75" w x 8.25" l, 1.09 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 320 pages
- Covers repair of 1998 - 2002 Honda Accord by Haynes.
About the Author
Haynes offers the best coverage for cars, trucks, vans, SUVs and motorcycles on the market today. Each manual contains easy to follow step-by-step instructions linked to hundreds of photographs and illustrations. Included in every manual: troubleshooting section to help identify specific problems; tips that give valuable short cuts to make the job easier and eliminate the need for special tools; notes, cautions and warnings for the home mechanic; color spark plug diagnosis and an easy to use index.
Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
I highly recomend.
This is a great repair manual. For anyone who owns a Honda Accord 1998-2002. The price is fair. (Some repair manuals can be very costly) And what I really like about it is this manual only covers a few years. Witch is prefect because some repair manuals cover way to many years and models. Witch never gives you enough information on your year and model. I highly recommend this repair manual for anyone that is looking to take on a repair themselves and try to save a few bucks by not going to the shop.
I am a shade tree mechanic for over 10 years.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Haynes thru and thru
By Return of Mel Street
No other aftermarket manual gives you as much info as a Haynes.I wish the photos were a bit clearer,they are black/white and sometimes it's hard to tell what you are looking at.But wiring diagrams that are simple and accurate,covering all models and all systems,all my Haynes manuals are covered in smudges and fingerprints,the true mark of a tool in use.
This one covers 6th Gen Accords and covers them well.
I do this for a living.Sometimes you need to hold a paper book in your hand and leave the high tech source(I won't name any names)information on the computer.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
It's a Haynes
By Greywood
Haynes manuals are OK. I generally have two or three different manuals for each vehicle and find that none of them are perfect, but when one doesn't seem to explain a particular operation completely, I can often read the same procedure in another one (or two) and among them, they fill in the gaps.
Each type of manual is indexed and organized a little different, so I find that I usually go to the Haynes first, as I have more of these than any other, and I can find things like the torque specs more readily because of familiarity.
I find the Haynes manuals perfectly adequate for most jobs, and a real advantage for them, is they have manuals for almost everything and they are readily available.
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